I am the black lamb in my herd....I am a wolf in sheep's blogging.....Welcome to the dark side of the sheep.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


 It could be argued that Marty Gold former host of The Great Canadian Talk Show was recently bullied off  the airwaves at KickFM due to his calling a spade a spade on air tactics, although it was made to seem that this decision was for the good of the students.

Gold  along with Classic Canadian Wrestling hosted a free show at the River Heights Community Centre on Sunday afternoon to raise awareness and teach a lesson in bullying.
Rick "Leather-face" Taras wants to show kids it's not okay to be  a bully, even in the ring

Bullying is all around us whether we choose to see it or not, it can come from jealousy or hatred or ignorance or what-have you.

It has been around since biblical times, a classic case of Joseph and his multi-colored dream coat, he was bullied by his step-brothers.

We live in a society with a gang or gang up on someone mentality. Having had the pleasure of working with kids for a long time before becoming a born-again student I got to witness this first-hand.
It is like survival of the fittest these days, attack before getting attacked.

I worked at Mulvey Elementary school for four years there wasn't a day that went by without a case of bullying on the playground. We would have anti-bullying seminars and raise awareness during our assemblies but it always continued.
It always starts off with one or two bullys and the rest follow like sheep.
Even my sweet little niece has fallen into bullying racket a time or two, imagine my shock, especially considering who her nice guy, love thy neigbour uncle is.

Working at the group home with boys that have found their way in and out of the system actually pride themselves on their bullying and jacking abilities.

Bullying comes in all shapes and forms as the image above indicates. CW is doing quite well with the success of a show based on rumors and gossip which often is more hurtful then anything that can be done to you physically.

Who ever wrote the diddy of sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me was an idiot....at the very least they never knew my dad.

Family bullying also very popular, a father, a mother, brother, sister who perhaps like to make you feel like crap all the time, for me it was the leader of the pack and you can't teach an old dog new tricks or whatever is the animal of your choosing.

Sometimes bullying can even be as simple as trying to win someone over to your side of thinking, like politics, I am sure I may witness some tomorrow at the City Council Meeting although it will be made to look democratic but ask the peson how they feel on the losing side of that coin when the decision affects them in a negative way.
If they didn't get a choice in the matter; they feel bullied.

So if we see someone being bullied or doing the bullying we can act, at the very least bring awareness, so help in whatever way you can.

I was touched to hear about Gold's outreach to the community while using the mat and the ring as a teaching tool, the best way to teach something to kids is to get down on their level and find something that speaks to them.

Speaking of little kids let me leave you with a toon from my childhood that spoke to me and perhaps speaks to you while it keeps in tune with my blog.

Just one point of view from me to ewe.

Blah Blah Blog Sheep.Out



  1. Chadd, a different tone than I'm accustomed to from your blog, but refreshing. I am no stranger to bullies given my several decades in the public school. And I know from personal experience, which I gather you do also, that bullying hurts. Thanks for the post.

  2. I have to say after watching this video again, where the hell was Lambert really in the first frame, there is no way he is under those sheep. He's like Lambert Angel Mind Freak, raising up through the stork's sheet.
