I am the black lamb in my herd....I am a wolf in sheep's blogging.....Welcome to the dark side of the sheep.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Show some compassion; this week has been no Cake walk

It has been more of a trudge for CreCommers as we have had interviews, proposals, and seminars, oh my.

As I worked on my magazine feature draft and my situation analysis last night, indie rock group; Cake's latest album Showroom of Compassion was the soundtrack to my character driven short about a guy who races against the clock to achieve greatness but  it actually turns out he is cursed with mediocrity; a compelling story.

Songs with titles such as Got to Move and What's Now is Now were inspiring from the titles alone and really seemed to fit the state I was in and last nights events.

Other songs include Winter and Mustache Man where in the latter, the hook  repeats I've wasted so much time.

I love Cake and had no idea what to expect when I downloaded the new album, but it was as if the universe was sending me subliminal messages through my choice of listening pleasure for the evening as I endured the pain of rattling off two assignments that as per usual I left to the last minute.

( Work off the assumption I do my best work under pressure.)

Cake, no matter what album is always a good listen, with catchy melodies and strong lyrics and a nice array of digital and horn sounds, that one can never get enough of.

My favorite track on this album is actually one that has a classical Bach element combined with a Mariachi digital feel with no lyrics entitled Teenage Pregnancy.

 The whole album is great and is worth a listen to; so if you have the means pick it up or get it on the DL.

To keep in tune with my blog let  me leave you with a  sweet musical slice of Cake, whether you are a loyal fan or this is your first taste.

All CreCommers can appreciate the lyrics in this song....

You're out living it up today and I've got dues to pay....

Sheep go to Heaven
Goats go to Hell

The weekend is here and a good chunk of  the assignments are done, so for those that don't have to work the weekend away such as myself. Show some compassion to yourself....


Just a little advice from me to ewe....

Blah Blah Blog Sheep. Out


  1. Tones of the King's Head circa 1999 - and the fiery redhead behind the bar!

    I just want to play on my Pan pipes. I just want to drink me some wine. As soon as we're born we start dying. So we might as well have a good time!

  2. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there is something I like about the design of this blog.
