I am the black lamb in my herd....I am a wolf in sheep's blogging.....Welcome to the dark side of the sheep.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Chadd's Drive

I am about to jump in my Jeep and drive to the shop, where I am told I will be driving away with a Protege. Oooohhh it'll be my first time behind the wheel of one of those. Now some of you may be wondering if I was in an accident recently, I was not. The interior of my car was in fact lit on fire, while parked in front of my place with the top down. Kids do the darndest things in the West End. It's a little funny if I picture Ashton Kutcher saying it though..."They lit it on fii..re!" Still none the less an inconvience that can drive me mad.

  Be sure to keep you posted on my drive both behind the wheel and on the scenic route. That would be a great name for a blog..."The Cynic Route". Sorry folks just copywrote it.

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